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Saturday, February 8, 2025 
Zheng-He Society of Americas (美洲鄭和學會)
About Us (關於我們)



設於美京華盛頓的美洲鄭和學會,由吴京博士建議下,成立於2003年,專門研究中國航海家鄭和的歷史、成就和他的海外航程史詩,其方針有二:其一,收集、研究、出版和傳播有關鄭和的訊息和研究結果;其二,藉由舉辦講座和會議以宣傳鄭和的成就和領導。自2010年以來,《坤輿萬國全圖》揭示為明代人繪製,即鄭和實際環球航行,開啟世界地理大發現,測繪第一份世界地圖。加上歐洲原始文獻,地圖證據,各種文物、文化遺存在美洲的發現,顛覆了三個歷史定案:(1)哥倫布發現美洲大陸; 2)利瑪竇為中國帶來了世界地理;以及(3)鄭和下西洋止於東非。鄭和下西洋的零碎信息傳到歐洲,才引發了後來歐洲人的大航海。在這基礎上,美洲鄭和學會將繼續發掘新證據,與其他姊妹學會合作,發揚鄭和精神,繼承鄭和的遠見,推動跨越種族、地區、機構和國界的和諧國際關係。






The Zheng He Society of the Americas (ZHSA; www.zhenghe.org ) is a cultural, educational and community organization dedicated to the study of the history of the Chinese Ming Dynasty Admiral Zheng He (Cheng Ho) and his epic voyages overseas. The late Prof. WU Jin was instrumental and inspirational in the founding of ZHSA in 2003. The Society meets at least twice a year and meetings are open to the public.  It also conducts lectures and seminars for schools and community groups with the aim of discussing past and current issues related to these voyages, and their implications for world history.